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Viewing: Life as I know it - View all posts

Solidarity with Fellow Survivors of Silencing

TW: CSA, child-shaming

Today (Sunday, July 7, 2024), the article finally came out in the Toronto Star that had been disrupting my sleep the last couple of weeks.

Headline:  “In the home of Alice Munro, a dark secret lurked.  Now, her children want the world to know”

Subheader:  Alice Munro’s husband sexually assaulted her youngest daughter. For nearly five decades, a conspiracy of silence haunted the family, and at times, tore them apart.”

The full article is available at

EDIT - I missed the first-person piece Andrea provided to the Star as well – it's at 

For those who don't have a subscription, Andrea spoke about her story a while ago in her blog post at

I hope she and her siblings are finding this truth-telling to be as healing as they wished – it's still a long road ahead, but speaking the truth is a huge first step, and I wish them much love and solidarity.

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Saturday schemozzle

Hey everyone – Macie’s had a pretty decent day, although not enough energy for a walk.  She’s drinking water again, which makes me happy, and ate breakfast-and-a-bit, but a little less than dinner.  No groaning, and her bloating seems to…

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Thursday musings

Macie had a pretty good day today.  Had to go out once last night.  Ate full breakfast & dinner.  Didn't get a walk, but enjoyed some time in the back yard.  A bit uncomfortable with the bloating, but able to…

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Happy International Women's Day, Everyone!

The Feminine
Is not
Nor is she

Angry, yes,
Seething, yes.

Biding her time;


- Alice Walker 


Sorry for the lack of update on the Feminine Canine – been juggling much…

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Parole Day!

Dear Humans,

It is Day 105 of my incarceration.  My Parole Hearing was set for 5pm today.

I have news…

First of all, I waited until 8am to start singing the song of my people.  The Warden was pleased.  I…

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Sunday update – still Sunday!

Dear Humans,

It is Day 98 of my incarceration, and only 7 sleeps left before my Parole Hearing on Monday at 5pm.

Mother is beginning to catastrophize about the hearing, and is completely freaking the fuck out about what happens…

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Belated Saturday Update

Dear Humans,

Here is, at last, my Saturday update.  It was Day 91 of my incarceration, with 14 sleeps to go before my Parole Hearing.

As we left yesterday's cliffhanger, The Warden had brought me out for a pee and…

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Belated Friday Update

Dear Humans,

I must apologize once again – I forgot to ask The Warden for my second laptop time yesterday, to give you my Friday update.  And after leaving you with such a cliffhanger!!!

As many of you have probably…

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Belated Thursday Update

Dear Humans,

Here is your Thursday update. My apologies for the delay, but when your favouritest shows up, you do not waste time with internet prose!

Thursday did not begin well. I resumed my 6am whining, interspersed with barking. The…

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Don't touch that dial...

Dear Humans,

I apologize for not sharing my tale of woe today, but one of my favourite humans (even favourite-r than you) came for a visit, and it was literally Christmas. I also might have done a kangaroo hop (or…

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Macie's Wednesday Tail of Woe

Dear Humans,

It is Day 70 of my incarceration.

The Warden had nothing to do this morning, so planned on a nice sleep-in. Well, I wanted none of that. I began singing the song of my people shortly after sunrise…

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The Lab's lab results are in!!!!!

Hey everyone, it's Alyssa here (I know, I know, I'll hand it over to Macie shortly, sheesh!).  I just wanted to let everyone know that Macie's lab results are in, and it's actually THE BEST POSSIBLE DIAGNOSIS (the one I…

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Monday Macieness

Dear humans,

I have been informed that today marks the half-way point before taking out my staples. And yet, there is only one day left of sedatives. Mother is weeping.

Coincidentally, mother also received a call from Staples about a…

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Sunday Macie Update

Dear Humans,

It is day 49* of my incarceration.

[*Ed.: Here we have an example of an unreliable narrator – it is only day 7. I trust that readers will make note of said unreliability when interpreting her comments about…

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Saturday's Tale/Tail of Woe

Dear Humans,

It is day six of my imprisonment. I do not know how many more days I shall be kept in my cell and halo of torture. [Ed.: nine more days, nine more impossible days] 

I haven't even been…

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Friday Macie Update – by Macie, of course...

Hi everyone! I've been told my fan club wants a trilogy. Well, watch your wishes, suckers, because my staples don't come out until the 13th, and I am BORED, Bored, bored.

After The Human took her laptop back yesterday, my…

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Macie provides the Thursday Macie Update

Thursday Macie update – written by me 🐕‍🦺, because I'm feeling better, and Mom is currently lounging on the fainting couch, moaning something about I'm going to be the death of her, and is it too early in the day…

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Wednesday Macie update – le sigh...

The good news: Well, her personality is fully back! 😀💃🏻 

The not-so-good-news: Her personality is fully back, yet she still has a sliced abdomen with ~80 staples, and is drugged.

So Macie's usual "I can do that!" attitude is mixed…

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Tuesday Macie update!

Shortly after I finally got a painkiller in to her last night, Macie insisted she be let into the bedroom, and went straight into her crate.  I tied her cone on and closed the door, and she got quickly to…

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December 6, 32 years later, and still...

It is a day to mourn the 14 young women killed for being women in training for what was once a male-dominated field. 

But we shouldn’t forget that most violence against women is created by the people we…

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The Deputation

As a follow-up to the previous Open Letter to Barrie City Council, I gave a deputation to City Council tonight on the same subject.  Since I was rather rudely interrupted, TWICE, by my other least favourite City Councillor, here's what you missed in the mayhem:

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